September 30, 2004
A couple in Dow Gardens saw me taking photos and showed me this bug hiding in a bush. I crawled in and got a few photos of it. They wanted to know how I got such a clear photo so close up. I showed them how to use the macro setting on their camera. It was a good trade.
Creatures (75)
This is from July in Dow Gardens in Midland.
Creatures (75)
This is from July, Dow Gardens in Midland.
Creatures (75), Dead Stuff (24)
September 23, 2004
Whitefish Point Lighthouse. At night, I can see the light from my house, but finally saw it lit while at the Point watching the sunset.
Lighthouses (12)
September 15, 2004
Hotdogs and tacos for your Christmas tree!
Frankenmuth (6)
Bronner's Christmas store in Frankenmuth.
Frankenmuth (6)
The accordion player at
Bavarian Inn stopped and posed for me.
Frankenmuth (6)
At the
Bavarian Inn, family-style all-you-can-eat chicken dinner ends with ginger cookies and ice-cream.
Frankenmuth (6)
Peices of clouds are falling on Canada.
Lake Superior (24)
I've never had a dog but this is Jasmine, my dog-in-law.
PhotoTime Tuesday theme: Pets
Creatures (75), Phototime Tuesday (15)
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