February 1, 2005
Raspberries in the Rain

insect (21), paradise (10), plants (17), rain (7)
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insect (21), paradise (10), plants (17), rain (7)
While in Paradise Donovan found this bird on the sidewalk next to the house. It wouldn't fly away so we guessed it had flown into the sliding glass door. Worried that it was injured, I wondered what I could do for it. I thought about the pigeon Kellen had taken in and asked, "what would Kellen do?" Fortunately, it recovered and flew away.
I've had this photo in my folder of photos to upload for a long time now! This photo is for the Saint.
birds (27), creatures (34), paradise (10)
For tacking clothes up!
Photofriday challenge: tacky.
paradise (10), photofriday (16)
Donovan took the satellite dish apart and down from the roof in Paradise. We packed it in three boxes and shipped it to my parents who now use it to surf the web from their isolated farm.
donovan (20), paradise (10), rooftop (3), silhouette (4)
This is back from before we left Paradise. The roofers constructed a scaffold from two logs, a driftwood board, and an old picnic table atop piles of discarded roofing. The unsteadiness of it right by the glass doors made me nervous, but since they had already blocked the storm shutters with debris, all I could do was watch, and take photos.
26 Things III item "Out of Reach".
The nice thing about small-town graduations is how short the ceremony is, and there was still time for sweet things like the "Presentation of Roses" from the high school graduates to their family members, and "Memories", a student made PowerPoint presentation of photos shown to music and the endearing "awww" sounds of the audience.
Donovan's mom had taught three of these students while they were in kindergarten through the third grade. To the delight of everyone, she came all the way from BC to be here. I was introduced to some of the school personnel that I hadn't yet met, everyone there seems to be extraordinarily nice.
Donovan was Valedictorian of his five person class at this school exactly ten years ago.
This house with 200 feet of waterfront is for sale and the price was recently reduced!
Although I'm very thankful for this alternative to dial-up, I hope some day I'll be back on cable or DSL!
The sneaky crow figured out the necessary flight maneuver to get inside the bird feeder.
Donovan and the Paradise house from the back yard. He lived much of his childhood and teen years in that room on the second floor.
donovan (20), michigan (14), paradise (10)
Sunrise over Lake Superior. I can't believe I woke up automatically at dawn - must be a first. With sunrises like this, I could wake up at dawn every day!
dawn (1), lake-superior (7), lakes (5), michigan (14), sunrise (1)
From the second floor balcony of the house in Paradise after a rain. The water is Whitefish Bay of Lake Superior. On clear days, Ontario Canada can be seen on the distant horizon.
canada (1), lake-superior (7), lakes (5), michigan (14), paradise (10)
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