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August 9, 2004

Goodbye 4090.
Thanks Preston for pointing out this shot :)
California Summer 2004 (45)
August 2, 2004

Armed with Afghan hash?
26 Things III item "Organized".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45)

Alicia caught me taking a photo of her purse. "I need a photo of a button. It's for a challenge," I explained.
The next time I saw her she discovered the button had fallen off. "Good thing you took a picture of it," she said.
26 Things III item "Button".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45)

I think these tracks stretch all the way to Oregon....
26 Things III item "Stretch".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45), Family (48)

Taken from the front yard of a gorgeously landscaped winery, this is looking out on the hills across the road. In Sonoma County the vineyards have spread everywhere, creating an artificial landscape of monoculture. They do add greenery to an otherwise summer brown hillside, but knowing the danger of monoculture, and the chemicals used for these crops, it's hard for me to see their beauty.
26 Things III item "Artificial".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45)

Clarista loves the outside. "Outside!" she demands, taking my hand and pulling me out the door.
California Summer 2004 (45), Family (48)

Inspired by
Mike's awesome pans, I've been practicing photographing moving people. I think this is the best one I've gotten so far.
California Summer 2004 (45), Family (48), Pans (4)

My sister's fiancé,
Preston (right), and their son, Micah, appear as ghosts in a long exposure early evening shot.
California Summer 2004 (45), Family (48)

Years ago, while I lived with my parents, I brought home a pair of ducks a friend had given me because they were outgrowing their little apartment. Ducks are much more suited for farm living. Their eggs were delicious and they ate snails which was a blessing after having the worst post el Nino snail year. My mom and I got them a husband and they became many ducks. The farm my parents moved to didn't yet have a working pond or place safe from predators for the ducks to live. It was a stressful thing trying to figure out what to do with all the farm animals. To her relief, my mom found this lady to adopt the ducks. Her pond is huge and already has ducks, geese, and sheep living around it.
26 Things III item "Relief".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45)

These power lines go right along the driveway at my parents' new house. Isn't that supposed to be bad for people?
26 Things III item "Lines".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45)

This is Carl, Head Instructor for
Sonoma County Wing Tsun and a good friend. We met for coffee a couple times while I visited Cali in June. I can't remember what he's talking about here, at
Dempsey's in Petaluma, but I remember how good the falafel sandwich was. The coffee isn't bad but the microbrewed beer is one of my favorites.
26 Things III item "Mug".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45)

I spent a couple weeks helping my parents move from of their country house outside of Petaluma, California to a bigger property north, outside Potter Valley. My dad decided he wanted to take his iron weathervane with him. He sent me up the barn roof with a hammer to take it down. It was neat to see the house and property from this highest perch. I don't think I've been up there since I helped my dad re-roof it when I was a kid.
26 Things III item "Different".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45)

After a day of fotostrolling with fotologger
26 Things III item "Delicious".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45)

On a beach fotostroll with fotologger
Someone wrote this in the outhouse.
26 Things III item "Dummy".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45)

On a beach fotostroll with fotologger
vimanaboy. The Pacific Ocean is so far from here.
26 Things III item "Far Away".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45)

On a fotostroll with fotologger
vimanaboy. This is American Alley in downtown Petaluma.
California Summer 2004 (45)

On a fotostroll with
vimanaboy. This is a backdoor on Water Street, Petaluma. The book on the ground says, "Bottles".... Ironic?
26 Things III item "Green".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45)

On a fotostroll with fotologger
vimanaboy, we stopped to see his sister's metal shop. She's showing us her silver press.
26 Things III item "Mechanical".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45)
July 26, 2004

Alicia and her son, Micah, who's afraid of the sheep.
PhotoFriday theme: Mother
California Summer 2004 (45), Family (48), Photofriday (26)

Rochana takes Hefner and Flynt to the creek to cool off.
California Summer 2004 (45), Family (48)

Sound check at The Great American Music Hall, a popular venue for great bands.
26 Things III item "Popular".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45), San Francisco (29)
I helped Erica pack up and graffiti her room before she moved out.
Just kidding. It's okay to tag up a wall you're selling to someone if you use foaming cleanser.
4090 (10), erica (7), graffiti (3), petaluma (19)
California Summer 2004 (45), Family (48)
Matthew 6:19 — Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal.
I just found that quote, fittingly for this photo. It's good advice for me, and something I've worked hard to overcome in the past years, but since I don't have a home... here, in the storage unit in Santa Rosa, is where I keep my stuff. A unit, two down from mine, was broken into recently by the person between our units. Mine is probably safe from that person, but it would be easy to break in from the other side. Erica helped me move a few more things there that had been left at the last minute at my parent's house. In the past couple years, I've gotten rid of much more than I have acquired, and that is a great thing. But... I really like moths and rust....
I miss having my things nearby. Me and my things have been apart for over 10 months now. That's why I choose this photo for the 26 Things III item "Missing".
26 Things III (26), California Summer 2004 (45), Family (48)
July 25, 2004

I lived in that house many years, many different times. Even lived under the roof of the old barn for awhile.
And I'll always be that barefoot stepping on rusty nails riding rickety old bicycles up the lane playing in the ditch farm girl. That teenager sneaking smokes out with the sheep. I'll always be the confused young adult in transition between other homes. Forever a stressed and scattered grown-up who needs to touch the earth, ruining her hands and fingernails to be grounded with the roots of tomato, squash, and sunflower, covering skin with splinters from old lichen incrusted fences, thistle pricks and nettle stings, crawling between plants to upturn snails and insects for happy quacking ducklings and creeping close to softly pet the spirit bunny.
Goodbye 4090, I'll miss you... but I'll always be there in my heart and mind.
PhotoTime Tuesday theme for July 19, 2004: Shadows
California Summer 2004 (45), Phototime Tuesday (15)
July 6, 2004

I'm still in California but my time here is coming to an end. My parents have been moved to their new farm and this greenhouse my father built, and everything else on those 10 acres, are now just a bunch of photos and some memories to me, no longer a place I can go to escape the rest of the world.
California Summer 2004 (45)
June 24, 2004

I'm in California for 4 weeks visiting and helping my parents move. I might not post any more photos here until I get back in mid-July, but I may occasionally put one up on
California Summer 2004 (45), Sunsets (32)
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