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Dear Guest

This Island is off the grid. Everything is either generators or alternative power (residents get pretty creative, spoons in running water for example) and the bar/restaurant/hotel at the landing is generator powered. This was the note on the desk in the room we stayed in.

electricity (1), flashlight (1), hotel (2), lasqueti-island (3), vancouver (20)

Vancouver (21), Weird Stuff (14)

Another Sunset

The ferry landing at sunset from the balcony of the room we stayed in above the bar.

boat (8), dock (2), hotel (2), lasqueti-island (3), ship (2), sunset (29), vancouver (20)

Sunsets (33), Vancouver (21)


This is at the ferry landing on Lasquiti Island, the pirate owner of this ship looks just like Popeye, especially when he takes his teeth out (scurvy from being at sea?). He talks just like a pirate. The name of his ship looks like "Arg" from this shot, and you would think that a good name for a pirate ship, but it's actually called "Argent". At one point I could see through the window that the old pirate was playing Crazy Taxi, or some similar looking driving game.

The rowboat in the foreground is how my mother-in-law and her new husband get back and forth from the house they live in down the coast of this little island.

boat (8), deanna (5), dock (2), ferry (4), lasqueti-island (3), ship (2), vancouver (20), wedding (1)

Vancouver (21)


Caitlyn signs as witness to her father's marriage, making her my step-sister-in-law.

ceremony (2), deanna (5), family (43), vancouver (20), weddings (7)

Vancouver (21)


A shot of the ceremony. It had begun to rain, so the wedding was moved into this little temple.

ceremony (2), deanna (5), donovan (22), family (43), rain (8), temple (4), vancouver (20), weddings (7)

Vancouver (21)

Wedding Harpist

Maker of pretty wedding music.

harp (1), musician (22), vancouver (20), weddings (7)

Vancouver (21)

Me with Flowers on My Head

arianna (29), family (43), flowers (43), vancouver (20), weddings (7)

Arianna (20), Vancouver (21)

Caitlyn & Flower Lady

My step-sister-in-law-to-be, gets her flowers, and a kiss.

family (43), flowers (43), vancouver (20), weddings (7)

Vancouver (21)

Rosemary & Flower Lady

Donovan's aunt, sister of the bride, receives one of this woman's beautiful hand-made flower head-piece and a bouquet.

deanna (5), donovan (22), family (43), flowers (43), vancouver (20), weddings (7)

Vancouver (21)


More stuff at the French Creek docks.

docks (1), vancouver (20)

Vancouver (21)


I don't know why I had to take a picture of this, or why I put it here.

poo (1), vancouver (20)

Vancouver (21)

French Creek

The ferry landing at French Creek on Vancouver Island, the small passenger ferry to Lasquiti Island docks here. I liked the primary colors in this shot.

canada (3), creek (6), vancouver (20)

Vancouver (21)


More of my favorite type of illustration found on the ferry.

canada (3), ferry (4), vancouver (20), warning (1)

Hazard Signs (3), Vancouver (21)


On the ferry to Vancouver Island.

ferry (4), macro (11), rope (1)

Vancouver (21)

Me on Vancouver Island

(photo taken by Donovan)

arianna (29), beach (10), vancouver (20)

Arianna (20), Vancouver (21)

Gas Town

We made a quick visit to "Gas Town" where there are these steam powered clocks. Don't be fooled, they were only made in the 1970's. We quickly retreated back a few blocks where we were safe from the flocks of shrieking children, tourists, and scammer parasites that feed off the tourists.

It was cool to see these clocks though; Donovan has several beautiful photos of him as a young child and his parents in this area at night with the gas street lamps on.

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Vancouver (21)

Coal Harbor

View of Coal Harbor (area in north part of downtown Vancouver) from Donovan's boss's dad's condo. It's fascinating seeing those buildings go up, how they frame the floor with plywood, pour the concrete, remove the frame, then do the next floor. Takes a long time, I guess. The man who lives here said the area has been under construction non-stop for 10 years. His building was the only one there when he moved in. I thought the construction was bad in my neighborhood....

vancouver (20)

Vancouver (21)


Donovan, in his own world.

This is inside our hotel room, downtown Vancouver.

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Donovan (34), Vancouver (21)


Even while walking around downtown, the tall mountains that border Vancouver to the north and east can be seen peeking from behind the buildings.

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Vancouver (21)


View of Burrard Street from our hotel downtown, 1 second exposure.

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Vancouver (21)

Vancouver Sunset

This was the sunset from our 30th floor hotel window downtown.

sunset (29), vancouver (20)

Sunsets (33), Vancouver (21)

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