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Doris Planting the Rhododendron

doris planting

By the back fence of the Pioneer Burial Park, my cousin Doris transplanted a Rhododendron from her mother's garden and sprinkled her mother's ashes around it's roots.

dad watering cousin doris and dad

Doris, Mary Lou's daughter, with my father, Robert, Mary Lou's brother.

cousin doris

cemetery (11), family (45), memorial (3), whidbey-island (15)

Cemetaries (8), Family (46), Whidbey Island (13)

Susan and Roger at the Cemetery

susan and roger

Roger is my father's cousin, my first cousin once removed.

cemetery (11), family (45), whidbey-island (15)

Cemetaries (8), Family (46), Whidbey Island (13)

Mom and Dad at the Cemetery

mom and dad

cemetery (11), dad (7), family (45), mom (10), whidbey-island (15)

Cemetaries (8), Family (46), Whidbey Island (13)

Whidbey Island Pioneer Family Cemetery

whidbey island pioneer family cemetery

My family cemetery, started by the death of my great-great-great-grandmother, Grace McCrohan.

pioneer family cemetery angel pioneer family cemetery monument

Cemetery monument for the Irish pioneer families of Whidbey Island, WA: Davis, Nunan, Morse, O'Leary, & McCrohan.

pioneer family cemetery monument

Monument for the Pioneers of 1858.

cemetery (11), family (45), monument (2), whidbey-island (15)

Cemetaries (8), Whidbey Island (13)

Too Much Death

Too Much Arlington Cemetary

26 Things item: too much

26 Things (26), Cemetaries (8), DC Trip (47)


Sharp 26 Things item: sharp

26 Things (26), Cemetaries (8), DC Trip (47)

Cemetary in Black and White

black-white (2), cemetery (11), gate (2), island (8), mackinac (9), michigan (34)

Cemetaries (8), Mackinac Island (9)

Cemetary Gates

Cemetary Gates on Mackinac Island.

cemetery (11), cross (1), gate (2), island (8), mackinac (9), michigan (34), silhouette (6), trees (32)

Cemetaries (8), Mackinac Island (9)

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