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Found in my archives, taken last year at the San Francisco Zoo.

creatures (50), san-francisco (43), zoo (1)

Creatures (75)


creatures (50), dragonfly (3), garden (29), insect (30)

Creatures (75)


creatures (50), eyes (2), farm (19), petaluma (25), sheep (3)

Creatures (75)

In the Field

PhotoFriday challenge: broken

broken (2), car (20), dead (35), farm (19), field (3), petaluma (25), photofriday (19), sunset (34)

Cars (16), Photofriday (26), Sunsets (33)

Broken Beetle

creatures (50), dead (35), death (12), insect (30), leaves (4)

Creatures (75), Dead Stuff (24)


Top is a single testicle from a lamb. The lamb was neutered several months ago, but this one testicle must have slipped inside and survived, but stayed small. It was found when the lamb was slaughtered. Bottom image is the lamb's heart.

creatures (50), death (12), lamb (1), meat (2), organs (2), sheep (3), testicle (1)

Dead Stuff (24)


Some photos I took to modify and use in a blog layout.

lunch-pail (1), weird-stuff (15), wires (1)

Weird Stuff (14)


donovan (25), leopardy (1), sleep (1)

Donovan (34)


creatures (50), farm (19), garden (29), petaluma (25), rabbit (1)

Creatures (75)


flowers (48), garden (29), sunflower (3)

Flowers (42)

Sun Bug

creatures (50), flowers (48), garden (29), insect (30), sunflower (3)

Creatures (75), Flowers (42)

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Creative Commons License Arianna Helen | | designed by ulaluma | hosted green green leaf