November 27, 2005
Point Arena Lighthouse

"The Devil's Punchbowl", the view from the top of the Point Arena lighthouse.
coast (49), lighthouse (6), ocean (34)
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"The Devil's Punchbowl", the view from the top of the Point Arena lighthouse.
coast (49), lighthouse (6), ocean (34)
Inside the stairwell of the Point Arena lighthouse. There were 145 steps.
coast (49), lighthouse (6), motion (15), raymond (6), stairways (2)
From home, this light house is about 20 miles, as a crow flies, south-east across the bay. If it was operating I may be able to see it's light from my window right now. I can see the light from it's replacement instead.
Door to the Crisp Point lighthouse.
brick (2), door (1), lake-superior (15), lighthouse (6), michigan (42), old (2), upper-penninsula (18)
Taken near the lighthouse in the previous post.
birds (31), california (2), coast (49), ocean (34), pacific-ocean (2), pelican (1), water (16)
This light house is in California, somewhere between Santa Cruz and San Francisco.
california (2), coast (49), fence (3), lighthouse (6), pacific-ocean (2)
Crisp Point lighthouse on Lake Superior. Getting there is a long drive on a gravel road through the forest.
lake-superior (15), lighthouse (6), michigan (42), tower (1), upper-penninsula (18), window (6)
The Whitefish Point lighthouse was first lit in 1849. It's famous for the Edmund Fitzgerald ship wreck. About ten miles from where I live, I can see it's light at night if I go out in the back yard.
PhotoTime Tuesday theme: color.
lake-superior (15), lighthouse (6), michigan (42), phototime-tuesday (3), sky (8), upper-penninsula (18), whitefish-point (4)
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