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Newborn Calf and Ray

calf calf

On a scorching August day at my parent's house in Potter Valley, a calf got through the pasture fence and rested in the shade of a great oak by the irrigation ditch. Ray helped it get back to it's mother.

ray and calf ray and calf ray and calf ray and calf

cow (2), potter-valley (65), raymond (6), summer (1)

Creatures (75), Potter Valley (43), Ray (5)

Erica and Ray in Ukiah

erica and ray erica and ray ukiah girl ukiah girl ukiah girl

erica (7), raymond (6), swings (1), ukiah (3)

Family (48), Ray (5)

Ray at Salt Point

ray at salt point tractor seat rock salt point hole

coast (45), raymond (6), rocks (8), salt-point (5)

Ray (5), Salt Point (4)

Ray of Light

ray lighthouse stairs

Inside the stairwell of the Point Arena lighthouse. There were 145 steps.

coast (45), lighthouse (2), motion (15), raymond (6), stairways (2)

Lighthouses (12), Ray (5)

Trampled Mushrooms

ray mushroom

We found these mushrooms trampled in the path down to the Salt Point cliffs. Ray carried my old portable Underwood typewriter so I could take pictures of it.

coast (45), mushrooms (7), raymond (6), salt-point (5)

Mushrooms (11), Ray (5)

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