February 26, 2005
Saying Goodbye
Photofriday challenge: Ghostly
family (35), motion (15), night (33)
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Photofriday challenge: Ghostly
family (35), motion (15), night (33)
arianna (27), ghosts (3), motion (15), night (33), weird-stuff (13)
creatures (34), night (33), rain (7), rohnert-park (18)
Theme Thursday theme: motion
creatures (34), motion (15), night (33), rain (7), rohnert-park (18), theme-thursday (5)
creatures (34), motion (15), night (33), rain (7), rohnert-park (18)
Theme Thursday theme: tools
abstract (8), colors (8), theme-thursday (5), tools (2)
dead (29), potter-valley (65), reflection (2), shop-window (4)
Photo Friday challenge: rural
dead (29), photofriday (16), plants (17), potter-valley (65), spiral (7)
This poor bee wasn't feeling well. But it was still difficult to get a clear photo of him in the late afternoon shade while he stumbled around confused and unable to fly.
bee (3), death (6), insect (21), rohnert-park (18)
The lights for the blue cat and the "TCO" were out.
neon (2), night (33), santa-rosa (20), sign (9)
oaks (1), santa-rosa (20), silhouette (4), sunset (27), trees (28)
My mom, her three grandchildren, and the two who joined our family to bring them to her.
clarista (7), emily (2), family (35), micah (13), mom (9), potter-valley (65), preston (2), teruko (1)
Watching Micah while his mom was at a Kaiser appointment. He badly wanted to put his tongue in the fountain water.
family (35), micah (13), santa-rosa (20)
colors (8), greenhouse (5), hills (4), light (5), potter-valley (65), sunset (27)
insect (21), paradise (10), plants (17), rain (7)
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