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Spring 2014

blood peach blossom

I love springtime and the life that bursts forth, and it's especially exciting to experience the first spring in a new place. Things I didn't know were there have gloriously revealed themselves. New plantings and dormant wood begin to show vigor. Sleeping bulbs reincarnate, expressing such incredible beauty from a brown lump that was hidden away in darkness months before.

blood peach blossom

Indian blood peach blossoms foretell a bountiful summer crop.


These lilacs smelled lovely and have the prettiest color.


Tulips sure can make sexy photos.


Calendula is a plant I always save seeds from, as well as let spread themselves. These seeds were collected from my last house from plants grown from seeds acquired from the Mendocino Permaculture seed exchange. The petals of calendula flowers add color to salads and the flower heads have many medicinal uses.

star of bethlehem

This "star of bethlehem" was an impulse buy in a nursery this spring and made a perfect addition to the understory for our largest olive tree, an area of the front yard now dubbed "Little Bethlehem".


I planted these hyacinths in the late fall. Though a enthusiast of bulbs, this is a new one for me and I was surprised by how well they did along the front path.

columbine flower

Columbine that somehow survived under the apple tree while dormant and we did landscaping, digging things up, moving things around, and planting of a new understory and apple tree guild. I'm happy to see it there as I love the flowers.

sweet pomegranate flower

Flowers from the 'sweet pomegranate' tree that's been moved twice in the past year, first dug up and potted to be moved away. Though now it's back were it was before and with a trellis to snuggle up to on the warm south wall of the house, as well as a new 'Arianna pomegranate' friend. It has recovered beautifully and has dozens of blossoms.

Pincushion Flower

Scabiosa caucasica 'Fama Blue' "Pincushion Flower". Rick picked this one out at a nursery this winter, though we had no idea what it would look like, only that it was drought tolerant. Such interesting flowers and it seems to be doing well in the dry, hot front yard.

salsify flower

Salsify reseeds itself invasively in the front yard. I've experimented with eating the roots which are supposed to have an oyster-like flavor, and are tasty fried in butter and garlic. The chickens like it's greens. Though their latex sap stains everything and I prefer to keep this plant from propagating.

anemone flower

Anemone, another beautiful new flower for me this year. I'm trying them out in the front yard but may need to move them to an area that will receive more frequent irrigation.

three chicken eggs in grass

What is more iconic of springtime than eggs? Here's one from each of our three chickens, happy that the days have been lengthening.

bulbs (1), degree (16), eggs (3), flowers (37), garden (21), peaches (2), plants (17), spring (6)

Degree (56), Easter (9), Flowers (41), Garden (4)

Gathering Around

gathering family Aunt Karen, her friend Carol, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Al, and Donovan gather around to watch the girl's perform Easter Church Services.

Easter (9)

Kyle, Katie, & Matt

kyle, katie, and matt

Easter (9)

Barb, Casey, & Grandpa

barb, casey, and grandpa

Easter (9)

Jessica & Sarah Lead the Family in Song

jessica and sarah sing

Easter (9)

Sarah's Story of Christ

sarah on violin

Easter (9)

Matthew Counts His Eggs

egg hunt

Easter (9)

Rebecca & Jessica Find BBQed Eggs

bbqed eggs PhotoFriday challenge: discovery

Easter (9), Photofriday (26)

Catch the Empty Plastic Easter Eggs

egg catch

Easter (9)

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