May 31, 2014
PNW Roadtrip: OMSI

While passing through and visiting in Portland, we had a couple hours to explore so visited the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. We had a blast playing with the interactive exhibits, learning about LASERs, solving puzzles, and getting so caught up that we missed our planetarium show.

Paleontologists hard at work. The one on the left was actually very friendly and willing to answer questions. It was incredible to watch them carefully grinding away stone to uncover fossilized bone. The talkative Paleontologist volunteer was working on uncovering, out of a single solid chunk, a skull and other bones that once belonged to an aquatic beast that resembled the loch ness monster.
I love this beautiful 150 million year old Mesozoic proto-bird.

We played "Connect Four" using robot arms. Then the robots "danced" for us and showed off their precise articulation.
The cool, geeky tiles in the restroom had science, chemistry, paleontology, and mechanical themes.

arianna (27), artifacts (1), degree (16), industry (1), oregon (4), portland (2), rick (15), robots (1), science (2)
Arianna (20), Degree (56), Pacific-North-West Roadtrip (6), Portland (2), Science (1)