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An open letter to Comcast

Several weeks ago I called and requested that my address be removed from your mailing list. Yet, each week I get a letter from you (addressed to "Jacob Westra or Current Resident") with offers for your service. I've lived here for two and a half years and have never known a "Jacob Westra". While it's also addressed to "Current Resident", this resident does not want to take the time to sort your junk mail into my recycle bin.

Since I do not usually bother to open the envelope, I don't know if they always have it, but the letter this week included a plastic "xfinity", "prepaid card", that I'm not even sure can be recycled, and I know the plastic window on the envelope and glossy insert are not recyclable.

I've used your services in the past, but I currently do not use services from your company. Every time I get one of these letters, wasting resources, or have to turn away pushy door-to-door solicitors of your services, I grow farther from ever returning to choose services from you. This is disrespectful of me, damaging to the environment, and a waste of your marketing dollars. Seeing how Comcast wastes money on this kind of un-environmental marketing, it is obvious I would not get the best services for my money. I choose companies that put my money toward the services I pay for, not toward destroying the environment and throwing money away.

Once again, stop sending me trash and remove this address from your mailing list.

comcast (1), junk mail (2), letters (4), spam (2)

Letters (4)

Vernal Equinox

Plum flowers Plum flowers Plum flowers

flowers (37), plums (1), spring (6), trees (28)

Flowers (41)

Indian Blood Peach Flowers

Peach flowers

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Flowers (41)

Label Crazy and Kitchen Chemistry

Jar Label

I have a crazy love for the way dried goods and preserves look in glass jars neatly labeled on pantry shelves. I tend to buy ingredients more than products, and much of my food ingredients, I buy in bulk. These habits save packaging, save money, and are generally healthier. I often bring empty containers or reused plastic or paper bags into the store to fill from the bulk bins, but when I get them home, I immediately transfer the goods into a more permanent, and preserving, storage solution.

Jar LabelRecently I noticed the look and storage longevity of my baking items were not up to par with the rest of my bulk dried goods so I transfered them into repurposed glass jars. I printed labels on paper, cut them out, and taped them with clear packing tape to the jars.

My stevia and arrowroot powders, since they are from natural plant sources, include their botanical name and an image of the plants on the labels. Stevia rebaudiana, also simply called stevia or sweetleaf, is derived from a plant in the sunflower and chrysanthemum family and can be purchased as a green powder, white powder (more refined), or liquid extract. I actually use all three versions, depending on what I'm making.

Jar LabelThe green powder (pictured above) is reported to be 10-15 times sweeter than table sugar, and manufacturers of the white powder and liquid extract claim the products to be 200-300 times sweeter than table sugar. They all have a flavor, slightly bitter, chemical or licorice-like, but the green powder, being less sweet and less refined, seems to me to have more of the flavor. I use it in desserts that wont be overpowered by it.

The xylitol and baking soda jars got images of molecular makeups and chemical formula (thanks to wikipedia), a reminder that cooking is an alchemical process.

I use xylitol, a sugar alcohol sweetener, in my homemade toothpaste (recipes to come), since it is sweet but also has potential to improve dental health. Xylitol, along with white stevia powder, can make a good tasting toothpaste without the artificial sweeteners that are more likely to be harmful.

Jar LabelI also make my own baking powder in order to avoid mystery corn starch and aluminum. I don't make a lot of it at once, since it will loose potency with time and exposure to moisture in air. Although it's very simple, as an absent-minded mad scientist, I can never seem to remember the recipe. For it to always be handy, I included the recipe on the back of the label.

Grain-free baking powder recipe:
1 part baking soda
2 parts cream of tarter
2 parts arrowroot starch

(Incase you are new to this language, a "part" can be any measurement, such as a teaspoon, tablespoon, a small cup, anything of equal portion.)

alchemy (3), chemicals (2), diy (6), food (11), jar (2), kitchen (1), label (1), pantry (1), recipe (3), storage (1)

Degree (56)

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