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ari and jason phoenix theater

Backstage at the Phoenix Theater with Jason Norris (vocals/bass/keyboards) before the Della Terra show. Photo by Jana Perry.

arianna (27), band (21), jason (8), petaluma (19), phoenix-theater (7), show (21)

Jason (4)

Hummingbird Silhouettes

four hummingbirds

birds (27), hummingbirds (1), park (3), silhouette (4), so-cal (1)

Birds (27)

Jason 2009

Jason K Norris Jason K Norris Jason K Norris Jason K Norris Jason K Norris Jason K Norris Jason K Norris Jason K Norris Jason K Norris Jason K Norris Jason K Norris Jason K Norris Jason K Norris Jason K Norris

jason (8), road-trip (23)

Jason (4)

Night in Joshua Tree

joshua tree jumbo rocks

Night photos in Joshua Tree National Park.

The photo of Jason and I was lit by us both (we were not in the photo at the same time), taking turns in front of the camera and behind the camera with flashlights while the shutter was open.

ari and jaes night in joshua tree joshua tree at night yucca at night

arianna (27), jason (8), joshua-tree (3), light-painting (9), night (33), road-trip (23)

Joshua Tree (3), Night (12)

Joshua Tree Flowers

Tiny things in the Joshua Tree desert taken with a 50mm lens on backward. A photographer camping next to me lent me the lens and reverse ring to try something new. I fell in love with the method, got my own reverse ring and fixed lens and am hooked on this new way of taking macros!

tiny purple flower tiny dried daisy tiny red flowers tiny purple flower joshua tree rock

flowers (37), joshua-tree (3), macro (11), reverse-lens (5), road-trip (23), rocks (8)

Flowers (41), Joshua Tree (3)

Joshua Tree Insects

caterpillar lady bug lady bug

creatures (34), insect (21), joshua-tree (3), macro (11), reverse-lens (5), road-trip (23)

Creatures (75), Joshua Tree (3)

San Bernardino Flowers

flowers and sky

flowers (37), road-trip (23)

Flowers (41)

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Creative Commons License Arianna Helen | | designed by ulaluma | hosted green green leaf