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Irish Ancestors

Marjorie Dyer burial stone

My Great-Aunt, Marjorie Dyer, 1905-2002, daughter of Thomas Nunan and Alice Funk-Nunan.

GW Morse burial stone

My Great-Great-Uncle through marriage, George W Morse, 1830-1915, husband of my Great-Great-Aunt, Mary McCrohan, son of Anthony Morse and Hannah Mountford.

Thomas E Nunan burial stone

My Great-Grandfather, Thomas Edward Nunan, 1865-1936, son of Thomas Nunan and Elizabeth McCrohan-Nunan, husband of Alice Funk-Nunan.

Elizebeth Nunan burial stone

My Great-Great-Grandmother, Elizabeth Nunan, 1842-1925, daughter of Francis McCrohan and Grace Mullen-McCrohan, wife of Thomas Nunan.

Thomas Nunan burial stone

My Great-Great-Grandfather, Thomas Nunan, 1840-1895, son of John Nunan and Eliza Donovan-Nunan, husband of Elizabeth McCrohan-Nunan.

Grace McCrohan  burial stone

My Great-Great-Great-Grandmother, Grace Mullen-McCrohan, who died in a canoeing accident in 1864.

cemetery (6), family (35), memorial (3), whidbey-island (14)

Whidbey Island (13)

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