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Purple Passion Boa Scarf

purple scarf This weekend I crocheted this scarf as a surprise for a girl in Canada. I had to try it on and get a photo before I pack it up and sent it away!

I "invented" the pattern when I made a blue and grey one for myself. I wear it often and call it my "tie scarf" because of the shape and narrowness. With this one I tried out some "feather boa" yarn.

It reminds me of a passion flower. I hope she likes it!

Arianna (20)

Comments (1)

I like this photo. Did you take it yourself or did Donovan take it for you? Nice scarf too. While I was on the ship on of my photographers took up crocheting. He was just doing it to be corny though at first, kinda like Radar on MASH. Then he actually started to make some pretty cool hats and slippers.

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