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PNW Roadtrip: Whidbey Island

sunset at Libbey Beach Whidbey Island

Two young men look out over Libbey Beach.

sunset at Libbey Beach Whidbey Island Libbey Beach Whidbey Island Libbey Beach Whidbey Island sunset at Libbey Beach Whidbey Island sunset at Libbey Beach Whidbey Island Ferry to Whidbey Island

Above: Rick on the ferry to from Port Townsend to Whidbey Island. Below: We met a few of my family members at a beach house rental. This is the view of Puget Sound from the back deck. (Click on the below panorama to expand it.)

Whidbey Island beach house sea bird eating clams at the beach house tree by beach house Whidbey Island bird feeder by beach house Whidbey Island historic Nunan family home in oak harbor

Our fourth cousin Peggy showed us this house where our great-great grandparents, Thomas Nunan and Elizabeth McCrohan, lived before there was an addition in back. It must have been one room downstairs and one upstairs, where they raised their 12 children (a few died very young). Peggy talked her way inside and we got to look around.

angel statue at oak harbor pioneer cemetery

We spent a day at the family cemetery in Oak Harbor for a potluck reunion and semiannual meeting about cemetery business. The site is for decedents of Nunan, Davis, Morse, O'Leary, & McCrohan - the original Irish pioneer families of 1858. My family are decedents of both Nunan and McCrohan.

oak harbor pioneer cemetery tree at oak harbor pioneer cemetery needlepoint at oak harbor pioneer cemetery Pauline Byrne micah at deception pass Whidbey island

After the reunion, we headed to the northernmost tip of the island, Deception Pass, where a bridge connects to the mainland.

rocks on Whidbey island bald eagle at deception pass Whidbey Island

We spent the rest of the day checking out beaches, sunsets, and wheat fields with farms.

Whidbey Island wheat fields Whidbey Island

Whidbey Island between the wheat fields and the coast along Ebey's Landing. (Click on the above panorama to expand it.)

sunset at Ebey's Landing Whidbey Island sunset at Ebey's Landing Whidbey Island sunset at Ebey's Landing Whidbey Island sunset at Ebey's Landing Whidbey Island sunset at Ebey's Landing Whidbey Island sunset at Ebey's Landing Whidbey Island

beach (13), birds (32), cemetery (11), coast (49), eagle (2), family (46), HDR (3), micah (14), panorama (4), rocks (10), sunset (34), trees (34), whidbey-island (15)

Pacific-North-West Roadtrip (8), Sunsets (33)

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