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Delta Pond Rookery

laguna de santa rosa

In May last year I joined the docents of Laguna de Santa Rosa for a walk around the Delta Pond nesting colony. The walks begin early on a spring Saturday morning with a hike out to Santa Rosa's Delta Pond on the edge of the Laguna. With the hike circling a path between the waste-water storage pond and the laguna, and with several scopes set up directed at nests in the trees, we witnessed many types of birds including a bald eagle, dozens of double-crested cormorants, great egrets, red-tailed hawk, and great blue heron.

laguna de santa rosa laguna de santa rosa Red-wing blackbird laguna de santa rosa Red-wing blackbird

Red-wing blackbird

laguna de santa rosa Red-wing blackbird laguna de santa rosa Cliff swallow

Cliff swallow

laguna de santa rosa Canada geese laguna de santa rosa Canada geese

Canada geese

laguna de santa rosa Canada geese laguna de santa rosa Tree swallow

Tree swallow

laguna de santa rosa Common merganser ducks

Common merganser ducks

laguna de santa rosa Red-tailed hawk

Red-tailed hawk

laguna de santa rosa Bald eagle

Bald eagle

laguna de santa rosa Nesting double-crested cormorants and great blue heron

Nesting double-crested cormorants and great blue heron

laguna de santa rosa double-crested cormorants laguna de santa rosa double-crested cormorants laguna de santa rosa double-crested cormorants laguna de santa rosa double-crested cormorants

Double-crested cormorant

laguna de santa rosa double-crested cormorants laguna de santa rosa double-crested cormorants laguna de santa rosa Great blue heron

Great blue heron

It's so fun to think that some of the willows I planted a few years ago may some day become nesting habitat.

birds (27), cormorants (1), ducks (3), eagle (1), geese (3), hawk (1), heron (1), laguna (3), nesting (1), swallow (2)

Birds (27), Santa Rosa (21)

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