November 8, 2012
Mexico Trip 2012 - Ek' Balam Ruins

Our birthday was spent traveling deep into the Yucatan to visit some of the more distant ruins sites, starting with this one.

The entrance arch that leads to the city.

Side view of the entrance arch.

The ballcourt, completed in 841 CE.

The Oval Palace, ceremonial structure.

A northward view of the the El Trono temple and other structures from atop the Oval Palace.

These walls can't keep me out.

Winged warriors.

A view of the other structures from atop the temple El Trono ("The Throne"). It's thought that Ukit Kan Le'k Tok' (who ruled during the height of the city, from 770 to 797 or 802 CE) is buried inside.

Southern view from atop the temple. It's sweaty work climbing all these stairs.
arianna (27), degree (16), iguana (3), mexico (12), rick (15), ruins (5), travel (8), yucatan (7)