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Mexico Trip 2012 - Casa del Corazon

Casa del Corazon

For our Yucatan Mexico trip in November 2012, we stayed on Soliman Bay, along what is known as the "Riviera Maya", at Casa del Corazon ("house of heart") in their large, cosy, and fully equipped "bungalow 1".

Casa del Corazon Casa del Corazon

The jaguar eating a heart is depicted in a stone carving at Chichén Itzá, and reproduced in art throughout the area. It is thought to be a Maya symbol of re-birth and power.

Casa del Corazon Casa del Corazon Casa del Corazon Casa del Corazon

The cloth in the right corner hides a television and dvd player which can be used to be entertained from a library of dvds.

Casa del Corazon

The main downstairs bedroom has a kingsize bed, desk, closet and dresser area, and a pass-code safe for keeping valuables.

Casa del Corazon Casa del Corazon Casa del Corazon Casa del Corazon Casa del Corazon

The curved wall within the bathroom is the shower: a step in from either side, tile, open shower that was really nice to use. It's a spacious and light full bathroom.

Casa del Corazon Casa del Corazon

Up the interior stairs is a loft with two twin beds.

Casa del Corazon Casa del Corazon

The kitchen had everything we could have needed for any length of stay.

Casa del Corazon

A tile patio behind the bungalow had chairs for lounging and outside dining. It was the perfect place for breakfast each morning.

Casa del Corazon

Up the outside spiral stairs is a second bedroom with a queen-size bed and beautiful domed brick ceiling, as well as a second bathroom.

Casa del Corazon Casa del Corazon

For more photos of the beach and bay behind our casita, check out my Bay Life post.

building (4), degree (16), mexico (12), travel (8)

Degree (56), Mexico (11)

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