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An open letter to the Sierra Club

I may have been a member at one time or donated a modest sum to Sierra Club... but how many US wall maps and stickers and stamps do you think I need? I regularly receive an envelope stuffed heavy with letters and such things and it seems Sierra Club has easily used up the money I've contributed just trying to get me to contribute more. Well I'm unable to contribute more, but if I was, it's obvious that Sierra Club does not use money wisely.

Thank you for using recycled paper, however, I know that makes the printing even more expensive.

Seriously, how many US wall maps do you need to send to one person?

Please use your funds on less junk and remove me from your mailing list.

Update 02/21/2012: Response from Sierra Club

"Thank you for contacting the Sierra Club.

"I have requested that future mailings from the Sierra Club are stopped from being sent to you with the information that you have provided. Please be aware this could take up to 6 weeks to complete. If you are to receive any future mailings from us please mark the envelope as 'Refused' and return to us. This process will ensure prompt removal from our mailing list as well as giving us the ability to reuse many of the enclosed materials.

"We are looking at other, more efficient and less wasteful ways to acquire members including email, internet and phone contacts. But many of our members do not have access to the internet, and prefer not to be called by phone, which is very expensive to facilitate and monitor.

"As a non profit organization, mail fundraising is a technique that is not only cost efficient, but vital to our well-being. The mailings we send give information on current issues, and the majority of the package can be recycled and are made from all recycled materials.

"Also, our total fundraising (mail, phone, email, etc) budget only encompasses about 7.6% of our total budget, while we spend 63.5% on influencing public policy, information, education, and outdoor activities. So, the money we spend on fighting forest depletion at its core, where policy begins, far outweighs the money spent on mail packages that degrade in less than a year - and those mailings solicit substantial financial support for our programs. I'd be happy to send you our latest financial report if you are interested.

"Anyone can opt off of our mail, phone, and email lists at any time."

Update 04/02/2112: I got another thick envelope stuffed with map, stickers, etc.

junk mail (2), letters (4), sierra club (1), spam (2)

Letters (4)

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