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Whitefish Bay At Night

Pink Moon RisesThe full moon arose out my office window tonight. I took this photo before the sun was fully set. The moon was really this pink, maybe more so.

Glowing Moon and Venus
Venus is the glowing dot on the top right.

Whitefish Bay At Night
This is my view over Whitefish Bay, Lake Superior, at night on the full moon. The red glow on the horizon is Sault Ste. Marie, Canada and the red dot to the right of that, I think, is on the bridge which spans the Locks.

This is snow at night. I did not modify the colors. The only difference between this photo and the next one is the angle. I pointed the camera in a different direction and for some reason it decided to make it pink.

The only difference between this photo and the previous one is the angle. I pointed the camera in a different direction and for some reason it decided to make it purple.

lake-superior (22), long-exposure (4), michigan (54), moon (10), night (40), snow (25), stars (2), trees (34)

Full Moon (1)

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